Construction Countdown Done
Rewatering Underway

By the time you receive this newsletter, the repairs to the Tinicum Aqueduct, its walls and banks will be complete. The project, which was anticipated to be finished in July extended into October because of supply delays. The delivery of the pressure-treated, custom lumber for the pedestrian walkway was two months late because of a COVID shutdown at the processing plant, and the lining material for the aqueduct trough was held up at the Canadian border. And those were just the big issues.
The project, necessitated by a major berm bank blowout, evolved into a multi-faceted undertaking to address the aqueduct’s other problems.
• A new concrete wall was constructed to stabilize the berm bank and halt creek-caused erosion.
• The aqueduct pier was repaired and faced with timber to protect the pier and return it to an earlier appearance.
• The mortar joints in the stone abutments were cleaned and redone to halt the extensive leakage.
• The aqueduct, which is a steel trough constructed in the 1950’s, was repaired, repainted, and lined with a rubber epoxy coating to seal the seams between the bottom plating.
• The pedestrian walkway that crosses the aqueduct was entirely replaced.
• The last task was to restore the canal prism and line it with clay.

Up until the completion of the aqueduct project, the canal water supplied by the Lehigh River could only flow to the wastegate located by the Golden Pheasant Inn. Now that the construction is no longer an obstruction, the State Park will endeavor to get the water as far south as possible.
The staff and an outside contractor have been filling sinkholes with flowable fill, removing silt bars that act as partial dams, repairing walls, and removing the many fallen trees as time allows. All with the goal of allowing the Canal to retain and convey as much water as possible.
Rewatering the Canal is a complicated task requiring an understanding of past and present conditions, skill, timing, and more than a little bit of luck.
So, here’s to the water. Far may it flow!
Always on the Look Out

“Hmm, this board isn’t in good shape,” observed Board and Canal Action Team member, Pete Rosswaag, while he was out on one of his bicycle rides near his home in Upper Black Eddy. Right he was.
One of the cap boards on the historic Hazzard’s Camelback Bridge was in need of replacement. Pete and fellow CAT member Josh Gradwohl went into action. They measured, the Friends purchased a new cypress board, Josh picked it up and painted it, and then he and Pete put it in place.
Pete plans to return to do some touch up painting on the rest of the bridge. The Friends’ do watch over the Canal’s Camelbacks.
Park Manager’s Report
by Devin Buzard
When examining the Delaware Canal through the lens of a National Historic Landmark and contemplating what it truly means to withstand the passage of more than 188 years, it forces time into a new perspective. While I am far from a historian, I have gleaned in the past year that perseverance along with a faith in achieving a better future have shaped the Canal and the surrounding landscape into what we see today.

this year.
Over the years, nature has battered both the Canal and those who live alongside it, but the perseverance to rebuild and honor the past does not change. As a testament to this statement and despite a year filled with uncertainties, we have seen and will see the completion of three large-scale Canal projects and many other smaller ones that are just as significant.
Two notable projects—both located in Williams Township, Northampton County—were finished in the month of July. Their completion marked the opening of the feeder gate in Easton, and the introduction of Lehigh River water to a 22-mile section of the northern stretch of the Canal.
These two projects were the rebuilding of Fry’s Run Aqueduct and a massive drop gate replacement at Lock 22/23 aka Groundhog Lock. In undertaking these two projects, there was much to learn regarding inspecting the clues of the past construction and applying that knowledge into the new plans, while, at the same time, considering how to provide for the best longevity.
A good example of this would be the simple design of the vertical wickets located on the Lock 22/23 drop gate. Upon observing the wickets of the old gate in operation, one could notice that the water flowing through the wickets typically was directed toward the stone walls of the lock. This ultimately resulted in unwanted scouring and erosion. A new design for the wickets was developed , which retains their historic locations, style and materials, while incorporating an unseen design element that prevents the wickets from turning too far and thus safely diverts the water to the center of the Canal.
As you read this article, it is my hope that the Tinicum Aqueduct repair project will be fully complete. Early in the week of September 28, towpath users could once again cross the aqueduct’s pedestrian bridge and enjoy an uninterrupted trip upon the towpath through Tinicum Township.
As with the two projects mentioned earlier, the completion of the Tinicum Aqueduct will allow for water to once again continue south, and it is the ultimate hope that the water will flow free as far south as nature will allow.
In anticipation of this, the Delaware Canal State Park maintenance staff has been endeavoring to repair known sinkholes and remove gravel bars at the intersections of streams that enter the Canal. These efforts reduce the loss of water and ultimately allow for better control over the f low rates and levels as the water makes its long journey from the Lehigh River in Easton. This flow is meant to continue to the inlet in New Hope near Lock 8, where it is augmented with water from the Delaware River. The combined flows then head south toward Bristol.
In addition to the work being done to provide water, the seasonal mowing has been ongoing. Please continue to be patient as our mowing schedule was greatly interrupted during both the 2019 and 2020 seasons.
The mowing issues occurred because of a temporary loss of a critical piece of mowing equipment in 2019, and then once more in 2020 due to staffing restrictions at the onset of the COVID-19 mitigation efforts and equipment breakdowns. Please know that we are working hard to complete this work and return the Canal to a less wild state.
Looking into the future, I no longer see the uncertainty I felt just three short months ago. With the clarity of reviewing what we have accomplished in relation to the past, I can say with conviction that we are moving forward.
Events that We’re Missing this October
A Celebration of the Arts and History along the Canal
Oh, the places that we have toured, the people we’ve met, and the celebrations we’ve had.
And will again!

Hiking 58.9 miles along the Delaware Canal towpath
over the course of five successive Saturdays is a Friends’ tradition that has overcome
many obstacles—floods, construction projects, heat waves, and snow. It will return.

An Untraditional Calendar of Events
Locations, Dates, and Times are sent via Constant Contact and posted on
We began our series of “Green Phase” short walks on July 17. After doing six walks at different locations along the Canal, we have a good sense of what works in these unusual times.
To avoid crowds on the towpath and in parking areas, we’ve learned to schedule the walks on weekdays in the later hours of the afternoon. We now know how many reservations to take in advance to yield an acceptable number of participants on the day of the walk, and we know not to post the invitations too far in advance because of
constantly changing conditions. Walkers have been very cooperative about wearing masks and social distancing! Susan Taylor and her portable PA system are still working on being happy together.

We plan to continue the short walk series through autumn and as winter weather allows. In fact, we divided up the 58.9-milelong Canal into 23 different walk sections, so we have plenty of material. The walk lengths vary from 2.2 to 6.2 miles roundtrip, with most averaging 3 miles. As the seasons change, we anticipate that we can add weekend and morning walks to the schedule.
If you would like to take a walk with the Friends, watch for our Constant Contact e-mails and check out Events on the homepage of To date, we have not been posting the walks on our Facebook page because the existing demand has been higher than we can accommodate.
The walks fill very quickly, so don’t hesitate to make your reservations. If you don’t receive our Constant Contact messages, sign up please. It’s the fastest way to receive information.
Hope to walk with you soon!
The Cares Act can help you help the Friends
We need your generosity more than ever this year. A significant part of our organization’s planned 2020 revenue has been lost because COVID restrictions and precautions have led to the cancellation of all of our fundraising events since March.
The federal Cares Act may provide a way for you to increase your contribution to the Friends. The Act allows you to be more generous with funds that you might otherwise pay in taxes. If you use the standard deduction, as most taxpayers did in 2019, you may take a special charitable deduction of $300 per taxpayer ($600 for a married couple) on your 2020 return. If you itemize, you can give and deduct as much as your entire Adjusted Gross Income.
If you are thinking about making a major gift from your IRA someday, this might be the best year to be especially generous. Thanks to the enhanced benefit to those who itemize deductions, you can withdraw as much as you want from your IRA, donate as much as you want, and deduct the donation. Of course, you need to meet the usual rules for penalty-free IRA withdrawals.
Please do not take our word for it. Learn more by searching “2020 charitable contributions.” For large donations, we recommend consulting a tax advisor.
On November 13, 1789, Benjamin Franklin wrote: “Our new Constitution is now established, and has an appearance that promises permanency; but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”
This year prove Ben wrong, just a bit, by letting your contribution to the Friends reduce your taxes.
On October 31, the long, narrow Delaware Canal State Park will gain some width in Washington Crossing. The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources will acquire all 118 acres of the David Library of the American Revolution property as well as the adjoining 25-acre Sol and Rose Woods. The spacious riverfront site, through which the Delaware
Canal runs, will remain open space with public accessibility for everyone to enjoy. John Hallas, Director of the Bureau of State Parks noted, “The site is a perfect location for a canal interpretive center as well as an administrative and maintenance center for the Delaware Canal State Park.”
There will surely be much more news about the acquisition, but, for now, here is a story from the property’s past when it was known as Buckstone Farm.
The Library’s founder Sol Feinstone acquired Buckstone Farm in 1945. He and his family lived in the stone farmhouse that is the centerpiece of the property. Sol Feinstone’s son, Ezra Stone, already had become famous playing Henry Aldrich on the popular radio show, “The Aldrich Family.” In September of 1945, Stone was discharged from the Army, and he returned to the cast of the radio show. He stayed with it until the fall of 1949, when sponsors decided to make it a television show. Stone’s association with the show ended because he was almost 30 years-old—too old to be believable as the 14-year-old Henry Aldrich.
This photo was taken in the late 1940’s and was included in the archives of the David Library. Its story isn’t definitively known, but it is probable that Ezra Stone invited his cast mates to visit him at his father’s home. They turned it into a working weekend by taking publicity shots with holiday themes. In this shot, House Jameson (Mr. Aldrich), Ezra Stone (Henry Aldrich), and Jackie Kelk (Henry’s friend Homer) are out on the Buckstone Farm grounds hunting for the Thanksgiving turkey. The Canal, out of view, and the lawn leading to the Delaware River are in the background.
The Friends are thankful that the David Library property will be preserved and remain accessible to the public and so pleased to have even more stories to tell about what happened along the Delaware Canal.
A 9-11 Bench Returns

representing the Martha Washington Garden Club; and Canal Action Team
members, Josh Gradwohl and Jerry Taylor, who installed the bench on a very
humid day.
One of the teak benches placed along the Delaware Canal in memory of the eighteen Bucks County residents who perished on September 11, 2001 has been replaced thanks to the care and generosity of the members of the Martha Washington Garden Club.
The bench honors William (Billy) Kelly, Jr., a Yardley Borough resident. Its placement along the towpath just north of Woodside Road is near his hometown and close to the landing for the Scudder Falls Bridge walkway, which is to open in 2021. Those who sit on the bench in the summertime can enjoy the native, bright red Cardinal Flowers blooming. This area is one of the few spots along the Canal where they grow in relative abundance.
We’ll be Ready
“Do the PA/NJ Canal Loops” is a recreational opportunity that the Friends of the Delaware Canal introduced to the public in 2005. Since then, it has become one of the most popular features of both the Delaware Canal in Pennsylvania and the Delaware & Raritan Canal in New Jersey attracting increasing numbers of visitors each year. The five loops connected by six bridges spur more cross river usage from bicyclists and hikers, who are happy to discover new places and not backtrack.
A new Canal Loop will be available next year when the walkway attached to the I-295 Scudder Falls Bridge opens. This sixth loop will provide new, shorter looping routes in the southern end of the Canal. The routes will be:
• Leave the Delaware Canal towpath at Washington Crossing, PA > cross the river bridge at Washington Crossing > enter the D&R Canal towpath at Washington Crossing, NJ > follow the D&R south to Ewing, NJ > cross the Scudder Falls Bridge > rejoin the Delaware Canal towpath in Lower Makefield, PA > then follow the Delaware Canal back to Washington Crossing PA. A 6.7-mile loop.
• Leave the Delaware Canal towpath in Lower Makefield, PA > cross the Scudder Falls Bridge > enter the D&R Canal towpath at Ewing, NJ > follow the D&R south to Trenton, NJ > cross the Calhoun Street Bridge > rejoin the Delaware Canal towpath in Morrisville, PA > then follow the Delaware Canal back to Lower Makefield, PA. A 10.6 mile loop.
When the new Scudder Falls walkway opens, the existing loop trail map and signs will be obsolete. Anticipating that fine day, the Friends developed a plan to create a new map, incorporate that map into fourteen signs that will replace the signs that now stand by the loop crossing points in both Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and install two new sign bases at the landings at either end of the Scudder Falls pedestrian walkway.
The $4,500 project has been funded by a $3,000 tourism grant from the Bucks County Conference and Visitors Bureau and $1500 contribution from Friends’ members and Washington Crossing residents, Barbara and Gordon Heisler. Our hearty thanks to both for investing in the potential benefits of the sixth loop. The redesign of the map is already underway, and the new sign panels should be fabricated by early 2021. The Friends’ Canal Action Team will be set to do the installations when the appropriate time arrives.
We’re looking forward to the day.

Try piecing together our growing collection
of online jigsaw puzzles featuring the beauty
and wildlife of the Delaware Canal. You can
choose the number of pieces, so the extent
of the challenge is up to you. Find the Jigsaw
Puzzle Archive at
P.S. For those of you who prefer an old fashioned
puzzle, we hope to have another
one to offer as a fundraiser next year. Would
you like an image of a bald eagle, a great blue
heron, or…?
The centrifugal pump, which will draw water from the Delaware River for the benefit of the Canal when it is water starved, is sitting at the northern section of Washington Crossing Historic Park ready to be dropped into the River and hooked up. The service “road” down to the River was installed this summer and has already
come to the notice of local emergency service providers f or use in river rescues.
By August during a typical year, the Delaware River level would have dropped below the New Hope inlet, and the Canal would be without a water supply. This year, the summer was unusually rainy, and the level wasn’t an issue until mid-September. Fortunately, the rain soon returned and improved water flow.
The rainy summer was advantageous in that there are still two small hurdles to jump before the pump can be put into operation. The PA Fish and Boat Commission must approve the pump intake, and the Delaware River Basin Commission must give its final approval.
At this point in the season, it seems that the best decision is to wait until next spring to drop the pump into the River saving on equipment wear and tear and electricity costs. The pump saga continues.
Our appreciation for all that nature has to offer has soared during these strange times. Here in our backyard, there has been a considerable increase in the number of visitors taking advantage of local, County, and State parks. At the Delaware Canal State Park, visitation has increased by 40% with peaks up to 100%.
We are happy to see so many people taking advantage of the Canal towpath; however, this surge has created some friction among visitors. Navigating the crowds on foot or on a bike
can be challenging, so here are some tips to keep in mind.
Signal your intentions
Whether you are jogging, biking, walking your dog, or riding a horse, it is important to alert others of your intentions. Let your fellow trail users know you are coming and give a clear warning signal before passing on a bike. A friendly greeting or bell is considerate and works well. Indicate “On your left” when passing on the left.
Slow it down
When biking along the towpath, be sure to slow down when passing other trail users or going through the towns and hamlets along the way. A slower pace not only eliminates the risk of alarm or injury, but it encourages a pace ideal for taking in the scenery and wildlife.
Be aware
The towpath is only 12 or so-feetwide, so keep this in mind and avoid wandering onto private property. Be mindful of low bridge clearances and limited lines of sight, and be prepared to walk a bicycle under these structures when necessary. When in a group, use no more than half of the trail so you don’t block the flow of other users. And to help keep the towpath clean, pick-up along the way.
What’s wrong with this picture?
Answer: The dog walker and equestrians are yielding to the bicyclists. Trail use rules say that bicyclists should yield to all types of users. Also, the bicyclists are not wearing helmets, increasing the probability of incurring serious injury in a fall.
The Delaware Canal towpath is a very popular destination now. It has attracted the attention of travel writers and day-trippers alike.
Let’s all do what we can to ensure trail users have a naturally wonderful experience.
Imelda Boyd
Melissa & Dave Callans
Thomas Cartelli
Delaware & Lehigh
National Heritage Corridor
James Driscoll
Kristen Elder
Kathryn Gargiulo
Martha Hicks
Rose Heim
Evangelynn Hulme
Carol Ann Kell
Rose McIver
Elise McGrath
Michael Montgomery, MD
Michelle Morel
Page and Craig Peters
Cara and Paul Pluta
Pamela Jeanne V’Combe